SPS Certificate and Accreditations
Big Picture Financial Planning Ltd is a chartered financial planning practice delivering independent financial advice to individuals, families, business owners and trustees.
The FCA requires that all retail investment advisers now hold a Statement of Professional Standing (SPS).
An SPS is renewed each each year and can only be issued by an FCA appointed accredited body, such as the Chartered Insurance Institute ( CII ) and confirms that an adviser:
Has adhered to a code of ethical standards
Holds the required qualifications for the activities they undertake
Has completed appropriate CPD and complied with the COCON Code of Conduct Sourcebook
Director and Principal Planner at Big Picture, Jill Turner is a member by examination of the Personal Finance Society ( PFS ) having gained their level four Diploma in Financial Planning. You can find out more about the accreditation at the PFS website. Jill continues to chose the PFS / CII to provide the annual verification of CPD and to be the issuer of the SPS but has gone on to gain her Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning and chartership through the London Institute of Banking.

Alongside academic and professional qualifications, Big Picture Financial Planning is part of an even bigger picture. You can find out more by clicking on each emblem. Jill was a member of the UKSIF policy committee from 2020 - 2021 helping to shape wider regulatory policies and the evolution of sustainable investments in the UK. Big Picture Financial Planning has been welcomed as a signatory to the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, a commitment from Financial Institutions to protect and restore biodiversity through their finance activities and investments.
Finally, there are some initiatives that need investment but cannot offer any financial returns, they do however offer Global Returns and work to make the planet and the lives of people who live on it, sustainable for generations to come. Jill has been an early adopter, showing support and partnering with The Global Returns Project, to offer a means of philanthropy for all and the opportunity to fund key projects around the globe meeting the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss.